Grace, Mercy, and Peace from God our Father

Welcome to

First Lutheran Church

Lufkin, Texas

Divine Service

Sunday 10:15am

(Holy Communion Every Sunday)

Bible Study

Sunday 9:00am

Wednesday 7:00pm

Who We Are

First Lutheran Church is a committed, caring congregation of sinners redeemed by the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. Our desire is to continue steadfast in the teaching and preaching of God's Word by gathering regularly to receive His Gifts. We extend a warm welcome to all visitors and encourage you to worship in the Lord's House with us.

About the Divine Service

First Lutheran Church is a traditional, liturgical congregation which means our worship services are formal and reverent. For Lutherans, worship is the act of receiving God's Holy gifts (forgiveness and salvation), hence the name Divine Service. This is when God comes to us through His Word and Sacraments. Our worship is a kind of ceremony in order to set this time apart from our everyday lives. The formal nature reminds us that something special is taking place; something with important and eternal consequences. That being said, the liturgy (our form or script for worship) is not dependent on what the participants wear or even what WE DO but focuses on what God has done FOR US. Every part of the Divine Service is drawn almost entirely from Scripture.

If you have any questions about our worship or teaching, feel free to contact us and we will be happy to answer your questions.